K & Pre4 Mass at SM
1/16/2025, 9 AM – 10 AM
NO School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Director Update:
I pray that all of you had a blessed, safe and healthy holiday season. It is nice to be back in the building and to see all the children’s smiling faces.
With the various cold and flu symptoms running through our families please consider keeping your child home if they do not look or feel well. A reminder also that your child has to be symptom-free & fever-free for 24 hours without medication before they may return to school.
I invite you to consider joining us at the EC on Sunday, January 26 from 11:30am - 1:00pm for our Open House event. Please bring along anyone interested in Preschool or Kindergarten for the 2025/2026 school year. This starts the preschool registration process so be on the lookout for more information about how to get registered.
Kindergarten registration will take place in March. If you are interested in learning more about Kindergarten, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Reynolds to set up an appointment. She can be reached at [email protected] or by calling the school office at 419-668-8480.
Open House kicks off the start of Catholic Schools Week. We are planning a fun-filled week for our students and staff that celebrates the opportunities, identity, and traditions we share as a school community. One exciting EC event is the Ninja Warrior event. Students collect pledges to participate in an obstacle course that is age-appropriate like the Ninja Warriors television show. Also during this week, we have our annual Spaghetti Supper. Students in each grade are asked to bring in an item to help defray the cost of the event. An informational letter and a note on the app were sent home about this event. If you are able to volunteer we always appreciate the help. Thank you for your support for this annual event.
Catholic Schools Week Events: Sunday 1/26: EC Open House 11:30am - 1pm.
Celebrating Awareness of our Churches *Pack the Pews - promote wearing Norwalk Catholic/St. Paul High School to Church this weekend.
Monday 1/27: Celebrating Awareness of our World
Dress as a Tourist EC Ninja Warrior Challenge
Tuesday 1/28: Celebrating Awareness of our Students
Our Students are bright - wear tie dyed or bright color clothes and shades
Pre3 Ninja Warrior Challenge
Wednesday 1/29: Celebrating Awareness of our Nation
Wear - Red, White, & Blue
Thursday 1/30: Celebrating Awareness of our Vocations
Wear Uniform - Dress Up Day All School Mass - 1:30pm & K LeapFrog Day
*PTO Spaghetti Supper, 5:00 - 7:00pm in the EC gym*
Friday 1/31: Celebrating Being a Flyer -
Wear new Flyer shirts
Seniors visit the EC in the morning.
Important Dates: Please see some important dates coming up: Jan 16 - Pre4 & K Mass at SM Jan 20 - NO SCHOOL Jan 22 - PTO Meeting 6pm Jan 23 - K Mass at SP Jan 24 - Pre4 Fathers Day Jan 26 - EC Open House - 11:30am - 1:00pm
God Bless, Gail Reynolds Director Norwalk Catholic Early Childhood
The Cleveland Keys Dueling Pianos Take the Stage for a Night of Fun and Music on January 18! Get Your Tickets
Don't Forget your Spaghetti Supper Donations Are Due!
SPHS Invites Candidates to Apply for Principal Position – Help Us Find Our Next Leader!
Norwalk Catholic Offers Tax Credit - Up to $1,500